Monday, May 21, 2007

Bunny Vreeland: Control Pain With Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for Pain Management has no side effects, is very relaxing and, for some people, may replace medication completely. Ask your Doctor about it!

Almost all pain will respond to Hypnotherapy. Pain from cancer-arthritis-amputations-migraines-injury and other conditions…can be reduced by hypnotherapy. Of course, it takes repetition and the more you use it the better it works for you. You can’t expect to be hypnotized once and have your back pain disappear for the rest of your life. But with practice you can achieve remarkable results.

Virtually everyone suffers from chronic or acute pain at some time in his or her life. Migraine headaches, back pain, chronic pain from illness or injury and pain associated with surgery, cancer and other medical treatments.

For years I suffered from migraine headaches and allergies. I went to many doctors who prescribed a lot of different drugs that made me feel so groggy I couldn’t function. I couldn’t work. Through the use of hypnotherapy, I was able to reprogram myself to make the symptoms disappear. I haven’t had a migraine or allergic reaction for over 25 years.

Many people experiencing pain turn to medication…either over the counter medications or prescriptions…or even illegal drugs to relieve their pain. Sometimes the medication helps. But, sometimes the side effects are almost as bad as the pain itself. And, many people just don’t want to take drugs.

Advantages to Hypnotherapy. Today more and more people suffering with chronic pain are turning to Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy, along with medical treatment, has several advantages in pain management. Hypnotherapy requires no drugs. It has no harmful side effects. It is not addicting. It is safe for adults and children.

Hypnotherapy can be used as part of a total pain management program. Of course, you should have your condition diagnosed by a qualified physician before using Hypnotherapy to control your pain.

Hypnotherapy produces deep relaxation that can help relieve pain.

Some painful conditions, such as headaches, are often aggravated by stress and can be eased by relaxation alone. Even those conditions that are not directly stress related can often be helped with Hypnotherapy.

Dr. Bunny Vreeland is a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and can be reached at 805-984-1237 or

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