Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Does this sound like YOU? by Bunny Vreeland

Does this sound like YOU?
by Bunny Vreeland
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist. 2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

One of the biggest reasons that people lose motivation to do
anything is that when the going gets tough, when decisions get
hard, when temptations arise, it's natural to focus squarely on
the pain you feel... and quit.

Because reaching massive success always takes sacrifices and a
willingness to endure pain and strain (even if the pain is only
in your mind).

That's why a fair number of people say that when they start
using my hypnotherapy programs for the very first time, they
actually feel or perform worse before they improve.

Why, you ask...

It's because, when the new empowering beliefs, attitudes and
action commands are listened to as directed, those statements
can smack you silly, because they are usually the
polar opposite to what you believe and how you act now. Hey,
my hypnotherapy programs do not waste time pussy-footing around.
They get to the point and press it.

So, there can be some resistance... anxiety that you don't feel
with books, lecture-based audios and seminars.

Why don't you feel anxiety from books, lectures and seminars?

Because most people give up when they feel it. And a book
won't force growth or change on you.

If you need help with any of these challenges, call me
at 805-984-1237. I can help. I am Dr. Bunny Vreeland, board certified, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Please check out my website ( for more information.

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Things You Can Do With Hypnosis - by Bunny Vreeland

Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

Some things you can do with hypnosis:

• Change a habit…….Smoking, overeating, procrastination…
• Overcome a phobia
• Sports improvement
• Pass an exam
• Control pain
• Calm panic
• Improve concentration
• Enhance your sex life
• End writer's block
• Give a speech in public
• Prepare for a job interview
• Improve self-confidence

Questions to ask when interviewing a Hypnotherapist:

• Why should I see you, and not one of your competitors?
• What experience do you have with my kind of problem?
• What are your professional qualifications?
• How long have you been in practice?
• Do you have references?
• What hypnotherapy associations do you belong to?
• When can I make an appointment?
• What are your fees?
• Will you teach me self-hypnosis?
• Do you use hypnosis yourself?

Contributed by Bunny Vreeland, Ph.D. Clinical Hypnotherapist

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Hypnotherapy and Stress - by Bunny Vreeland

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Hypnosis has helped thousands, maybe millions of people to reduce Stress.
You can hardly pick up a newspaper or magazine or watch TV without seeing or hearing some reference to Stress.
Why all the sudden fuss and fascination?
After all, stress has been around since Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden.
Is it because there is much more stress today?
Is it because the nature of contemporary stress is somehow different and more dangerous?
Or is it because scientific research has increasingly confirmed the crucial role stress can play in causing and aggravating different disorders and the diverse mechanisms of actions responsible for mediating its multitudinous effects?
The answer to all of these questions is a very resounding "YES!".
The stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying
for take-off. Virtually all systems (eg, the heart and blood vessels,
the immune system, the lungs, the digestive system, the sensory organs,
and brain) are modified to meet the perceived danger.

We are all under a lot of stress...but healthy people learn techniques to help themselves manage stress. A few minutes of relaxation with self-hypnosis meditation can make you a winner over stress.
America, like many western civilizations, is feeling the impact of global change. The effects of change reach into every crevice of life putting people more and more under pressure. Think about the changes that have taken place in your neighborhood over the past few years…especially since September 11, 2001.

Many people try but find that the avoidance strategies frequently generate more stress rather than reducing it. If you drink alcohol or take drugs to avoid stress you'll end up worse off in the long run.
The perfect antidote to stress is relaxation and meditation...and the perfect form of meditation is hypnosis.
Stress causes the brain waves to increase, which causes a chain reaction of events to cascade in the body. A few of the changes that take place in the body when we experience stress are higher blood pressure, rapid heart beat, tense muscles, rapid and shallow respiration, cold hands and feet and decreased immune function.
When you are stressed it's as though your brain is preparing your body to fight or run away…and it is!
The stressors faced by humans conditioned to a nomadic hunter-gather lifestyle are obviously different to the high-tech lifestyle of today. Our distant ancestors needed responses to stress that would enable them to trigger physical flight or fight responses to the perils and pleasures of hunting.
These types of responses are inappropriate today. If you physically ran away from your workplace whenever things got on top of you then this would not enhance your standing in the organization. Conversely if you punch the boss on the nose when he/she gives you a tough time then the resulting dismissal and assault charges will generate considerably greater levels of stress.
Stress causes strain on the body…and the strain can lead to illness…unless we do something about practice relaxation and meditation with hypnosis.
Stress causes strain on your immune system and that can lead to illness and disease. Many doctors report that up to 90% of people in hospitals are there because of stress…including many types of cancer and heart disease.

The perfect antidote to stress is relaxation…not relaxing with a brew at the pub or relaxing in front of the television…but relaxing the body and slowing the brain waves into the Alpha state with hypnosis.
When we are in the Alpha State the brain waves slow down to 6 to 8 cycles per second. When that happens we are perfectly relaxed! Everything that happens to the body is the opposite of what happens when we are stressed.
In the Alpha State the blood vessels dilate, so the blood pressure goes down. The breathing is slow and deep. The heart rate slows down. The muscles completely relax. In the Alpha State the immune system speeds up…so Alpha is a healing state.
There are only four brain wave states.
Beta…when we are awake…21 to 35 cycles per second.
Alpha…when we are perfectly relaxed and hypnotized…
6 to 8 cycles per second.
Theta…when we are asleep…3 to 5 cycles per second.
Delta…when we are unconscious or in a coma…1 to 3 cycles per second.
Alpha, or hypnosis…the words are interchangeable…is a natural state. It is a fact that we pass from Beta through Alpha every night before we fall asleep. And we pass from Theta-sleep-through Alpha when we awaken in the morning.
Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. As Hans Selye (who coined the term as it is currently used) noted,
“Without stress, there would be no life.”
However, just as distress can cause disease, it seems plausible that there are good stresses that promote wellness.
Stress is not always necessarily harmful.

Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, or more so, but may trigger very different biological responses. Increased stress results in increased productivity -- up to a point.
However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, raspy sound.
Too much tension makes a shrill, annoying noise or snaps the string. However, just the right degree can create a magnificent tone. Similarly, we all need to find the proper level of stress that allows us to perform optimally and make melodious music as we go through life.
The body may contain its own best pharmacy.

Good health is more than just the absence of illness.

Rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well-being, that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relationships.

Through the use of Hypnotherapy you can learn how to harness stress, so that it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.

The total relaxation that accompanies hypnosis is a buffer that dissipates the harmful effects of stress…so that you can thrive in spite of the problems and changes life throws at you.
For high-quality, safe, and affordable hypnotherapy, contact Bunny today! 805-984-1237 or 800-755-4083.

Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.
2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

How to Write Effective Affirmations - by Bunny Vreeland

By Bunny Vreeland

According to experts, approximately 80,000 words go through our heads each day. Those 80,000 words determine how we feel, how we behave, what we have, whom we attract into our lives, and who we ultimately become. Simply by changing those words and taking control of them we can control EVERYTHING about our lives.

What kinds of words go though your head every day? What kind of songs do you sing in your mind? What do you really think about when you aren't thinking about much at all? Mark Twain, the great American author once remarked that you couldn't really tell who a person was by reading their autobiography. Our autobiography is really that 80,000 or so words that go through our heads every day. Day after day after day. If we bound those 80,000 words into a book those books would be our autobiography. Why? Because it's those words that program us to be who we are, to do what we do, to have what we have. The way we think creates our reality.

Change the thinking and the reality changes.

In other words, negative thinking produces negative results. Positive thinking produces positive results. Random thinking produces random results. You always are thinking so you might as well be in charge of the thinking and think about what you want in your life.

The key rule is this: What you think about comes about. The principle is that we tend to get just what we focus on. Focus on poverty, focus on depression and unhappiness—well, then you are bound to be poor, depressed and unhappy. On the other hand, focus on success and health and happiness and you’ll be rich and happy and healthy.

Affirmations are a way of focusing your mind on what you want and taking your mind off what you don't want. An affirmation is a mind programming prescription for desired results.

An affirmation is a method of thinking or speaking to one's self with a purpose. The purpose is to cause the subconscious mind to bring into one's life that which you truly desire.

Affirmations need to be worded in the correct manner to have the desired effect. As a rule of thumb, affirmations should always be in the first person, present tense and each word should be positive. You will be more successful with affirmations by using these principles:

1. Always write affirmations in the first person. This means using "I" rather than "you”. Always write affirmations using the present tense. This means using "am" rather than "will". Always make every word positive. Always write with the goal in mind. What are you moving toward? What do you want to accomplish? Make your affirmations simple.

2. Make your affirmations believable.

Make your affirmations measurable (if possible).

For example here is an incorrect wording of an affirmation:
You are not going to fail.
You will not lose.

Here is a correct wording of the same affirmation:
I am a success.
I am a winner.

Here is an even better example of an affirmation that helped a 26-handicap golfer get to a 12 handicap.
I am a smooth, relaxed, confident golfer with a 12 handicap.

How to use affirmations.
Use affirmations during self-hypnosis or during meditation, use them often when doing repetitive or rhythmical tasks such as washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or walking. Use them when you are bored, use them when you catch yourself thinking negativity. Simply repeat them over and over.

One important tip: to make your affirmations work even better, visualize them being effective and feel the emotions you would actually feel as if they were already accomplished.

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Can you Relieve Stress Through Hypnosis? - Bunny Vreeland

Bunny Vreeland asks, "Can you Relieve Stress Through Hypnosis?"

Have you ever thought about that?

Stress is something we all complain about and something that every human feels at various times and yet a definition of stress alludes us. Although there are plenty of definitions around, one of the most useful is: "Stress is any change to which you must adjust."

We may think of stressful situations as being negative; like an illness, a death of a loved one, getting fired from your job, flunking school, a divorce, as some examples. But there are situations commonly thought of as positive that produce stress as well; like moving into a new home, getting a promotion, going away to college, getting married.

Stress can come from external and internal sources. It may come from the environment, or from the body and/or the thoughts and emotions.

Hypnosis, or rather self-hypnosis, is useful in teaching to you reduce stress. And there are other techniques such as nutrition, time management, assertiveness training, autogenics, visualization, meditation, breathing, job stress management and biofeedback can be used to help reduce the stress. You can also go to my website for a free ‘Reduce Stress’ session.

Let me ask you;

Do you ever get the feeling that your brain is on ‘overload’ that you just couldn't think another thought?

That your brain has somehow ground to a halt?

That your ability to concentrate has just evaporated?

Or suddenly notice that your shoulders have somehow ended up around your ears with stress? That the tension in your back is just killing you?

Try Hypnosis! (with Bunny Vreeland of course)

Hypnosis can trigger your natural relaxation response, causing wonderful waves of good hormones and feelings of tranquility to wash through your mind and body.

Imagine having relief on tap - something you could experience whenever you need it that would remove all the stress from your body and return the clarity of your mind. Hypnosis is an effective method of dealing with stress when you cannot get relief through any other methods. Through hypnosis to relieve stress, you can learn many beneficial techniques that will help you cope with ordinary and extraordinary stress and live a happier healthier life. Stress causes many physical and psychological problems, which indirectly cause pain and disease, that can be relieved through hypnosis. It is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and Hypnosis can help you do this.

Through hypnosis, you learn to distinguish between good and bad stress. Stress is good when it invigorates your life and challenges you to reach the limits of your potential. Stress can be bad when worry about problems or situations causes headaches, insomnia, depression or any other physical problems. Learning how to properly manage stress makes you a happier person and one that others will want to be around. Stress is contagious and if you are down about a problem, you will also bring others down. Through hypnosis, you can also learn to recognize stress is others and how to avoid getting caught up in their problems.

Stress hypnosis teaches you how to relax and stay calm even under the most stressful conditions. It helps you to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones that can help left your spirits. You learn to recognize the things that trigger your stress and this is powerful in helping you to manage the level of stress you feel may be necessary. You can get the help you need to effectively manage stress through stress hypnosis.

Why Does Hypnotherapy Work? - Bunny Vreeland

The ways in which the mind operates in its subconscious mode provide the answer.

It is instructive to note that our autonomic system is in the subconscious. That's the system which tells our hearts to beat and our lungs to breathe. It is because of this we don't have to think (conscious mind), "Oops! Gotta take a breath now!" or "Time for another heart beat!" Fortunately this is all taken care of by our subconscious----- automatically. Everything that is done for our benefit, originates here. Therefore should a hypnotist make an inappropriate suggestion of any kind, it would be rejected by the client.

Years ago I heard a Hypnotherapist explain that if he should ask them in hypnosis to rob every bank in town and bring the money back to him, they wouldn't do it. Our subconscious always has our best interest as its main concern.

It does other things for us, too. We are bombarded by 60,000 stimuli per second every minute of our lives. In one minute we receive 3,600,000 bits of stimuli! One can only speculate what would happen if they would flood our consciousness! Especially when we know that our conscious mind can only be aware of five to seven pieces of information or "clumps" of information at a time.

Emotions and the imagination reside in the subconscious. In an emotional state, we are motivated to proceed in the direction of what we are imagining. Emotion is the fuel of the subconscious while imagination is the language.

Habits by definition are those repetitive behaviors that you do "without thinking." Thinking is a function of the conscious; everything else is in the subconscious. One habit is usually eliminated by replacing it with another. Some habits are easier to eliminate than others and if they are firmly held in the subconscious may require finding the causes and remove them and replace them with healthy behavior.

The subconscious doesn't "think" in the usual way; it reacts. And it can't distinguish between reality and unreality; it absorbs all the information received through the senses as truth.

Generally speaking, if two or more emotions are in conflict, the dominate one wins out over the weaker; imagination wins out over will power; emotions win out over logic; the subconscious wins out over the conscious.

The subconscious can be your master or your greatest ally in your quest for success and self-improvement.

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Watch Your Thoughts - by Bunny Vreeland

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

--Frank Outlaw

Think about this:

Think about your stomach as the size of a large baked potato, because it is!

Put down your fork, spoon, chopsticks or other eating utensil between each bite.
Pick it up only after you have chewed and swallowed and your mouth is empty.
It takes your stomach 20 minutes to get the message to the brain that it is full.

Eat breakfast like a Queen/King, lunch like a Princess/Prince and dinner like a pauper.
80% of all overweight people do not eat breakfast. 80% of all thin people do.

Think loving thoughts about yourself. Be good to yourself. Think of yourself as a baby learning to walk. It takes time and you will fall a few times before you ‘get it right’.

Think about getting a mentor. Why? All successful people (Sports, music, business) have a mentor, coach or guide.

Breathe. When we are stressed, we tend to stop breathing or breathe shallowly.
Take deep breathes all the way into the stomach and diaphragm and exhale through your mouth to de-stress.‘Stressed’ spelled backwards might spell, ‘Desserts’ but the opposite of ‘Stress’ is ‘Relaxation’. That is exactly what Hypnotherapy helps you do: Relax.

Ask about Bunny Vreelands 6-session CD set, Lose Weight and Keep it Off!

By Bunny Vreeland -
Bunny Vreeland is a hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California. Bunny Vreeland is a certified hypnotherapist.

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Why Should I Quit? - Bunny Vreeland

Quit Smoking - by Bunny Vreeland

If you're a smoker, quitting smoking is the most important step you can take to protect your lungs. It is NEVER too late to quit. Your doctor can help you decide which smoking cessation method will work best for you.

Why should I quit smoking?

You've probably heard how smoking can be harmful to your health and the health of those around you. Here are some ways quitting can be helpful. If you quit, you will:

1. Prolong your life.

2. Improve your health. Smoking increases your risk of lung cancer, throat cancer, a lung disease called emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, gum disease, and other conditions.

3. Feel healthier. Smoking can cause coughing, poor athletic ability, and sore throats.

4. Look better. Smoking can cause face wrinkles, stained teeth, and
dull skin.

5. Improve your sense of taste and smell.

6. Save money.

How can I quit smoking?

There's no one way to quit smoking that works for everyone. A smoking cessation program may be helpful to you. Ask your doctor about smoking cessation programs in your community. As a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I know that hypnosis can be extremely successful for most clients. Some things that will help you ease the process are:

1. Pick a date to stop smoking, and then get ready for it.
2. Record when and why you smoke. You will come to know what triggers you to smoke.

3. Record what you do when you smoke. Try smoking at different times and different places to break the connections between smoking and certain activities.

4. List your reasons for quitting. Read over the list before and after you quit.

5. Find activities to replace smoking. Be ready to do something else when you want to smoke.

6. Ask yourself, “What do I do when I quit smoking?”

What happens when I quit smoking?

After 20 minutes of not smoking:

1. You stop polluting the air.

2. Your blood pressure and pulse decrease.

3. The temperature of your hands and feet increases.

After 8 hours of not smoking:

1. The carbon monoxide level in your blood returns to normal.

2. Oxygen levels in your blood increase

After 24 hours of not smoking:

1. Your chance of heart attack decreases

After 48 hours of not smoking:

1. Your nerve endings adjust to the absence of nicotine

2. Your ability to taste and smell begins to return

After 72 hours of not smoking:

1. Bronchial tubes relax

After 2 weeks to 3 months of not smoking:

1. Your circulation improves

2. Your exercise tolerance improves

After 1-9 months of not smoking:

1. Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease

2. Cilia in the lungs regrow, increasing the ability of the lungs to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection

3. Your overall energy level increases

After 1 year of not smoking:

1. Your risk of dying from heart disease decreases to half that of a lifelong smoker's risk

2. After 5 years of not smoking:

3. Your risk of dying from lung cancer decreases to half that of a lifelong smoker's risk

After 10 years of not smoking

3. Your risk of dying from lung cancer drops to almost the same rate as a lifelong NON-smoker

2. Your risk of other cancers -- of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas -- decreases

I've tried quitting before, but it didn't work. Why not?

To quit smoking, you must be ready emotionally and mentally. Some people are more ready to quit than others. Look at these five stages of change that people go through to successfully quit smoking.

Stage One: Pre-contemplation. You don't want to quit smoking, but you may try to quit because you feel pressured to quit.

Stage Two: Contemplation. You want to quit someday. You haven't taken steps to quit, but you want to quit.

Stage Three: Preparation. You take small steps to quit such as cutting back on smoking or switching to a lighter brand.

Stage Four: Action. You put a plan for quitting into action. You make changes in your actions and environment to help cope with urges to smoke. You cope with urges to smoke by following the plan and remain smoke-free for six months.

Stage Five: Maintenance. You have not smoked for one year.

By Bunny Vreeland - Hypnotherapist serving Oxnard, Ventura, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ojai and all of Ventura County California

2007 Dr. Bunny Vreeland

Bunny Vreeland - Why Should I Quit Smoking?